東西在華語文裏是一個涵義非常豐富的詞,新竹美語推薦在華語文裏大家表達這個東西,那個東西時常會說:these things, 美國人雖然也可以理解,但是一般他們會說,these matters, 比如:To raise a kid in the United States, parents have to think about daycare, proper nutrition, pre-school education and then education from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. These matters become more acute as their children grow older. 在美國,新竹美語推薦要養大一個孩子,家長們就得考慮白天孩子的看護問題,要有合理的營養,學前教育,新竹美語推薦還有從幼兒園一直到12年級的教育問題。他們的孩子日漸長大,新竹美語推薦這些東西就顯得越來越重要。表達東西這個意思,還可以用一個詞――stuff,比如:When you have a stomachache, don’t drink cold stuff. 胃疼的時候,不要喝涼的東西。再比如:Mary had all her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, and for two weeks,as she was advised by the doctor, she could only eat soft stuff.瑪麗昨天拔了智齒,新竹美語推薦醫生要求她一周之內只能吃軟的東西。除此之外,當表示一個更具體的意思的時候,還可以用item, 比如 Bob never bought jewelry for his girlfriend , for he knows she is quite spiritual, and doesn’t really care for material items.鮑勃從來沒有給他的女朋友買過珠寶,因為他知道她是精神需求很高的女人,新竹美語推薦不太在乎物質方面的東西。趣的是,thing 和 item 都還可以表達漢語中的男女私情。比如 For a long time people think that Jean and Peter are just colleagues, without knowing they are actually an item。很長時間以來大家都以為簡和彼得只是同事,沒想到他們是一對兒。同樣是這句話,也可以說,For a long time people think that Jean and Peter are just colleagues , but actually they have a thing going between them.